We regularly receive questions about the Spoorpark from local residents and visitors. On this page, we have collected frequently asked questions. Do you have a question, but it is not listed here? Then fill in the question form on this page.

You might find your question – with an answer – on this page soon.

Opening hours and accessibility

Is the Spoorpark free to access?

Yes. The Spoorpark is free to access during opening hours. It may be that the park (or part of it) is not free to access due to an event. We will announce this in a timely manner via our agenda on the website.

What are the opening hours?

The Spoorpark is open every day of the year from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. In the months of June to August, the park is open from 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM.

Are pets allowed?

No, the park is not accessible to pets (except for assistance dogs and guide dogs for the blind). At the edge of the park, in the corner of Ringbaan West and the railway, there is a special off-leash and exercise area.

Through which side(s) can I enter the park

The three entrances to the park are located on the east, south, and west sides. They can also be found on the map.

Is the park accessible for people with disabilities?

The park is accessible for people with disabilities via the paved paths (on the boulevard), which are level. There is one accessible toilet available at the Kiosk (covered area). There are accessible parking spaces in the vicinity of the Spoorpark.

Are there enough seating areas?

Yes, throughout the park, you will find plenty of seating areas. There are enough wooden benches, and you can use the concrete bench(es) along the boulevard.

Is there a map?

Yes. On this map, you can see what the park has to offer. Click on the drawing to zoom in.

How big is the park?

The park is 7.5 hectares in size, centrally located and part of the Spoorzone.

Location and accessibility

Are parking spots available?

There is a parking lot in the park (note: paid!) on the south side (next to the camper spots). Next to the park, you can park on the west side (on the side of Ringbaan West) at BeweegR or in Hazelaarstraat. All parking areas are paid. If there is no space available, please park in parking garage De Knegtel, which is a 5-minute walk from the Spoorpark.

Of course, it’s even better to come by bike or on foot! 😉

Is there a monitored bike parking facility?

No, there are unmonitored bike parking facilities (bike racks) on the east, west, and south sides of the park. You can park your bike between the ‘bike racks’ at your own risk. You are not allowed to bring your bike into the park, so please use the parking facilities (preferably secure your bike to a bike rack to avoid unpleasant surprises when you leave).

Is it allowed to ride bikes/skate or rollerblade through the park?

Skating and rollerblading are allowed, of course, taking into account other visitors and the many children running around. It is also permitted to drive a mobility scooter at a slow pace for the safety of other visitors. Biking is not allowed. This falls under the house rules. Signs indicating ‘pedestrian area’ will be posted to enforce this.

How far is the park away from Tilburg Central Station?

The park is about an 8-minute walk from Tilburg Central Station. There is also a bus stop on Hart van Brabantlaan.

Food and drinks

Is there catering in the park?

Yes, at the Kiosk and the T-Huis. At the Kiosk, you can quickly grab something, like a delicious coffee with a freshly baked croissant. The T-Huis, also known as the living room of the park, is where you can have breakfast, lunch, drinks, or dinner. For more details, see the map and the website of the T-Huis. You can also get a drink at the reception of the City Camping.

Can I bring my own food and drinks?

It is allowed to bring your own food and drinks into the park. However, it is not permitted to consume brought food in the catering establishments and their associated terraces.

Is it allowed to picnic and barbecue?

It is allowed to barbecue on the playfield, the large grassy area in the middle of the park, as long as it does not disturb other visitors and no damage is caused. There are a number of rules for barbecuing in the park, which you can read in the park regulations.

Picnicking is always allowed, especially enjoyable on weekends or summer evenings. Enjoy endlessly on our expansive green grass field.

Where is the nearest supermarket?

In a 5-minute walk, you will find the Albert Heijn XL and the Aldi (Jan Heijnsstraat)

Am I allowed to drink alcohol in the Spoorpark?

Alcohol is allowed in the park, just like in all public spaces, only for persons aged 18 and older. We do not tolerate public drunkenness. Read more at www.nix.nl. Also, note that there is a ban on alcohol on the east side of the park. From the entrance to the Kempentoren, no alcohol may be consumed.


Are there public toilets in the park?

Yes, there are 4 public toilets at the East Square (behind the Kiosk). There are also toilets in the T-Huis and at BeweegR. See the map for details. For more information, check the websites of the T-Huis and BeweegR.

Is there a baby changing room?

Yes, there is a baby changing area in the accessible toilet at the East Square (behind the Kiosk)

What facilities can I use?

There is something fun for everyone to enjoy in the park. Check the map for an overview of all the facilities.

Is it allowed to swim in the water?

Thanks to the ‘Living Water’ project, water is flowing in the park again. The ‘Living Water’ project consists of a pond, a water plaza with fountains, and a stream. Children can play in it, and adults can enjoy wading. Swimming in the pond is not allowed! 

Does the park have fishing opportunities?

No, there are no fish swimming in the water. Also, feeding the ducks is not allowed to keep the water clean.

Is there Wi-Fi and electricity available?

A free Wi-Fi network is available for visitors to the park. Unfortunately, the Wi-Fi signal is not very strong everywhere in the park. There is no electricity available for park guests.

What sports activities are available in the park?

At Outdoor Urban Sports, a multi-sport location, you can chill with friends and stay active. The urban park features a bowl, a pump track, and boulders.

At BeweegR, you can go for fitness and do boot camp. At Beach Tilburg, you can enjoy beach volleyball, foot volleyball, and beach tennis. You need to be a member to use the facilities at both BeweegR and Beach Tilburg, but this does not apply to the bowl, pump track, and boulders.

Can I stay in the park overnight?

Yes, you certainly can! At Stadscamping Tilburg (dutch for City Camping) you can camp in your tent, camper, or caravan. You can also rent ready-made tents in the summer or stay in a cozy wooden sleeping wagon. For more information and bookings, visit www.stadscampingtilburg.nl.


I would like to make a difference for Spoorpark. How can I do that?

At the Spoorpark, we can use all the help we can get! Would you like to be a volunteer? Or would you like to become a ‘friend of Spoorpark’? There are various ways to get involved.

Do you want to become a volunteer? Here you can find our vacancies.

Want to become a friend? Click here

Where can I submit or find lost items?

Lost items can be submitted at the Spoorpark office (the yellow building). We also keep the lost items here. If you have lost something in the park, please come by during office hours. We cannot guarantee that we have your item.

What are the park rules?

By entering the park, you agree to the park regulations as indicated on the signs at the entrance. See below for an example of the sign.

Can I play my own music?

You may play music as long as it does not disturb other visitors. It is your music, so others don’t have to enjoy it as well.

Am I allowed to make a campfire?

No. Open fires are not allowed due to safety reasons. However, you are allowed to barbecue in the park, as long as you adhere to the rules. If you would still like to sit by a campfire, contact Stadscamping or Scouting Esjeeka. They have a campfire area for their own use, but you might be able to arrange something with them.

Am I allowed to smoke in the park?

There is a smoking ban at the eastside of the park. From the Kempentoren, you can smoke or consume alcohol in the rest of the park.

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